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Tir na nOg

By August 21, 2019September 11th, 2023blog

Here we have a cool dock box we did for our clients – interesting name right? Well heres a little description of what this meaning is! Yacht life just got a bit more mystical!


Tír na nOg is depicted as an island paradise and supernatural realm of everlasting youth, beauty, health, abundance and joy. Various Irish mythical heroes visit Tír na nÓg after a voyage or an invitation from one of its residents. They reach it by entering ancient burial mounds or caves, by journeying through a mist, by going under water, or by traveling across the sea on an enchanted boat  It is the golden path made by the sun on the ocean.

Tír na nÓg is described as a beautiful place, but it is usually dangerous or hostile to human visitors – The women of Tír na nÓg are very beautiful and sometimes leave to visit mortal men.

There are cities and fortresses made of precious metals and feather thatch in Tír na nÓg, although their exact number is not clear. In some stories there is a flowered plane in or underneath the forested wilderness of Tír na nÓg.


Well gotta love a good ol’ Irish folk lore!

What would you name your boat? Give us a call, we can help you design any kinda style of yacht lettering!

Erica Selma

Author Erica Selma

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