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Ft Lauderdale Mariners Club Seminar

By September 25, 2019September 11th, 2023blog

Here at Signs of Reilly not only do we install beautiful lighted yacht signs or clean bold vinyl yacht names but we are very interested in the whole marine industry – we love behind the scenes of all marine industry, we love meeting people that are in our field! Even topics like insurance, its actually really interesting yacht insurance that is! We joined a club and have made great friends its called Fort Lauderdale Mariners Club! Once a year they have an amazing seminar. Pictured below is our very own Mike Reilly with other club members Nicole and Anbar finishing up a meeting and finalizing all the last minute details for this years seminar! This years seminar is October 28th & 29th 2019 & it will be held at the Westin Ft Lauderdale Beach Resort – we will be there!

Heres their about from their website;

“The Fort Lauderdale Mariner’s Club first met at the Cafe De Geneve on March 2, 1989.
Objectives of the Club are simple and straightforward.  We are a non-profit, non-political organization devoted to the promotion of friendly associations among our members, to encourage high standards of business practice throughout the community and to provide a forum to improve the marine industry in South Florida.

The focal point of the Club’s activities is the marine seminar we hold prior to the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show in October of each year.  The first marine seminar, held in 1989, was attended by more than 150 people.  Today, the seminar draws more than 500 participants from all walks of the marine community.  The interesting slate of speakers, coupled with the opportunity for attendees to interact with each other in a vibrant setting, has made the marine seminar a truly international event.

Monthly luncheons, along with purely social events held throughout the year, are planned to provide friendly settings for our members to get together.  Although competitors in one sense, we have a lot in common and much to offer each other.

The Club strives to be an avenue for free discussions and exchanges of information that will be of assistance to all members.  Today, the club numbers over 200 active members from all parts of the marine industry here in South Florida and beyond.

We invite all marine seminar attendees and other interested persons from the maritime industries to meet with us, to exchange ideas with your peers, and to enjoy our common backgrounds and careers.”

Erica Selma

Author Erica Selma

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